Dental Chiang Mai by Dentist Chiang Mai is a dental clinic that provides a variety of dental service.

Inlays Onlays

When a tooth has lost a significant amount of its structure one of the options for treatment can be an inlay or onlay. An inlay fits into the tooth whilst an onlay also covers the top biting surface of the tooth. Both inlays and onlays are usually manufactured in a dental laboratory using precision models of your teeth and are used when a dentist thinks a direct filling will not offer enough protection to the tooth for the long term.

The Inlay or Onlay Process

Your dentist will evaluate your tooth first to ensure that the tooth is alive and the remaining tooth tissue is healthy enough for your inlay or onlay. Your dentist will also ensure that you have enough tooth tissue left so that an inlay or onlay restores your tooth's looks and function for many years to come.

The stages for having an inlay or onlay are usually as follows:

1. Evaluation of the tooth

Your dentist ensures that an inlay or onlay is the best treatment for your tooth. Tests including a dental x-ray will be used to ensure that as much information on the health and vitality of the tooth is available before a treatment decision is made.

2. Tooth Preparation

Dependant on the type of inlay or onlay, your dentist prepares a very smooth walled cavity in your tooth to allow the inlay or onlay to fit well. Your dentist preserves as much of your natural tooth substance as possible during this preparation phase.

3. Impression taking

Your dentist usually takes precision impressions of your teeth so that models can be made to allow the dental technician to construct your inlay or onlay. Occasionally a high resolution digital image can be used to construct the inlay or onlay using a CADCAM milling machine such as CEREC 3D.

4. Fitting

Your dentist tries your inlay or onlay on to ensure it fits correctly, looks excellent and is in harmony with your bite. Once you are totally happy a permanent adhesive system is used to bond your inlay or onlay to the tooth.


Our patient coordinator team will help you set your appointment, solve your doubts, and provide estimated cost ranges for your dental care procedures.